So this is cool. Finally blogging about game dev.

Hey! Still trying to figure out how atproto works, but dang, it seems like it's got even more promise than I first suspected. I don't have much to write about at the time being (Edit: this is wrong, you'll see so in a bit), but it's nice to have a chance to use a non-micro blogging service. Maybe I should have tried tumblr. But then again, I wouldn't be here. So hurray to that! It's so nice being able to ramble on and on without concern for the character limit, so I imagine I might enjoy it quite a bit. To celebrate it, I'll blog about my current game dev project, because it's so much more convenient without a character limit :D

Right now I'm working on a 2d platformer built in MonoGame, and the gameplay idea revolves around a little ninja guy who can launch himself around levels and combat enemies with a couple of dynamic melee-focused weapons in unique physics-based manners. One such weapon is a katana, which somehow is infused with thermodynamic-law-breaking magic, resulting in Getting Over It style movement, difference being that a) you are not stuck in a cauldron, and b) its a lot more focused on swinging instead of thrusting. Also, it's not the only option for getting around unique level design. More details sometime sooner or later, but as is, a lot of the game is stuck in a conceptual phase while I work out a metric crap ton of kinks that all stem from mesh-based platforming. On the bright side of it, I now know how GPU shaders work, and have intimately familiarized myself with so much about how a bunch of specifc stuff works, and yet I have nothing to show for it so far. Perhaps I'll also later on dive into how I've had this idea for a year now and have so many ideas, and the prototype I made in Godot that proves (to me, at least) that the idea CAN work, as long as I figure out how to make a physics engine that isn't a buggy mess and can do all the things I need it to do, with meshes that work in all of the insanely specific ways I need them to.

I have so much to say, but I do also need to sleep. So consider me sold on Whitewinds viability, at least for me. I'll be sure to try and have more to say soon.

Oh yeah, today is also the day I turn 18 and can do things without an adult needing to chaperone me for everything. Birthday celebrations happen on thr 7th though, so save the partying for then. Thanks for reading.

this guy

Game design enthusiast and avid programmer in the making. I enjoy retweeting good art and other stuff.

Looking for people who obsess over Shaymin. If you share in the hyperfixation, then @ me, for we have much to discuss.

he him, next question.

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