5 Years and 153 Poems


This is something insane for me to admit, but it has been five years since I started my anthology. It currently stands at 153 poems, and has more or less documented my growth as a person. I was 14 when I started writing poetry on the 9th of February 2020, and as you know, there has been a lot of stuff happening in the meantime.

Why Even Write Poetry?

To explain my reasoning to even start writing poetry, you would have to understand that, at the time, I was a closeted 14-year-old with a pretty isolated social life. I wasn't exactly one for good self-esteem (which hasn't really changed too much) and all that, so I needed an escape. Aside from my werewolf special interest, I wasn't too happy with what I did have, that being gaming on an Xbox.

Anyway, I first felt the spark of creativity in poetry after learning about Wilfred Owen's war poetry from World War One during Year 10 English class. It was very moving for me and, with the unknown crisis looming over everyone, would turn out to be a very easy venting tool for me.

My later influences were Poe and Wilde, but I feel like I'm nowhere as good as these three. They all are brilliant in their own way.

Why is This Anniversary Important?

It's a personal thing, obviously. I know that virtually no one else cares about the anniversary, but as a symbol of my personal growth and change, I find that it has always stuck with me as a persistent date in my mind.

More or less, I really do appreciate everyone, friends and family of past and present, who has encouraged me to continue my anthology. Genuinely, thank you.

Ewan Croft


🏳️‍🌈 British poet & programmer. Probably thinking about werewolves or writing code.

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