Summer is fun for a lot of people. This year, though, mine has been... a rollercoaster of emotions.
So, what happened?
Pet death
As of last week, our first dog was put to sleep. I won't say much, but it was for the best.
I got my results! I passed!
I have, as of today, passed my Level 2 IT course and recieved my diploma! Time to go for Level 3 (before I get a job... oh god. I have to update my CV now. 😅)
Successful Arch Linux installation!
Because I've been bored, I decided to try and install Arch Linux using the install guide on my laptop.
Needless to say, I was completely out of my depth.
I did try using the archinstall automatic installation tool at one point, and while that worked, I saw multiple issues pop up post-instsll.
I ended up just following a YouTube guide while cross-referencing the official guide. So, as the meme goes, I use Arch, btw.
Why even talk about this?
I wanted to just update you (whoever even reads my blog. Thank you.) on what's going on with me. Why not? I don't want to always dump an entire blog essay on here, after all.
Anyway, hope you have a good day, night, evening, whatever.
Thank you again for reading.