D&D Character - Cailean Uen


Cailean Uen

Basic Information

Alignment and Species

A Chaotic Good Werewolf




His temperment is quite awkward and shy, but paradoxically still talkative. He has anxiety over his lycanthropy, worried over hurting others unnecessarily. In his wolf form, he can act more like a puppy, indicative of his name—this, although prevalent, isn't all he can act like. He can be fairly stereotypical, getting angry easily or having mood swings. He tries his best, though.


Cailean Uen was born a werewolf, but his early life was shaped by his human foster parents. His birth parents were absent, leaving him to be raised by people who had no understanding of lycanthropy. His foster parents were kind but unaware of the nature within him, and Cailean, sensing that he was different from a young age, grew up hiding his true self out of fear and confusion. His transformations started in adolescence, during the confusing and tumultuous time of puberty, but with no mentor or guide, he had to figure it out on his own.

Cailean has always been shy, socially awkward, and anxious—traits that only worsened as his lycanthropy became harder to control. Although he loves his foster parents, he’s always kept them at a distance, terrified that one wrong moment could expose the beast within. They’ve noticed his mood swings, his tendency to withdraw, but they chalk it up to normal teenage behaviour. Cailean, meanwhile, lives in constant dread of the day they find out the truth. His anxiety isn’t based on past mistakes or any actual harm he’s caused—he's never hurt anyone—but the fear of what he could do looms large in his mind. The unknown potential of his power frightens him more than anything.

Anxiety and Fear of Losing Control

His transformations are erratic and tied to his emotions. This only feeds his anxiety, as any surge of anger or fear could push him into his wolf form. He obsessively controls his temper and his emotions, bottling up everything to keep the wolf at bay. As a result, Cailean comes across as shy and withdrawn, but it’s less about insecurity and more about his desperate attempts to protect those around him from a danger only he understands.

Though his wolf form sometimes acts playful, even puppy-like, Cailean knows this is only one side of the coin. The carefree nature he displays in wolf form stems from the deep loneliness and isolation he experiences in his human life. It’s a rare moment of freedom from the burden he carries, but it is fleeting. He knows that his wolf form is not to be trusted entirely—mood swings and uncontrollable instincts are ever-present. The “puppy” inside is still part of a much more dangerous beast, and this constant awareness drives his caution and anxiety even further.

Cailean's greatest fear is death itself and harming someone he cares about, which keeps him emotionally distant from others, even though he craves companionship. His foster parents, although loving, are kept at arm's length. Cailean tries to blend into human society but always feels like an outsider, aware of the constant need to hide who he really is. In school and social situations, he’s talkative, but it’s a nervous, overcompensating chatter that masks his inner turmoil. He’s caught between wanting to form connections and the belief that getting too close to anyone could end in tragedy.

Despite this internal struggle, Cailean is driven by a strong sense of morality. His chaotic good nature means he wants to help others and do what’s right, even if he’s often unsure of how to act without risking his secret. He tends to be impulsive at times, taking action when he feels strongly about something, but the fear of losing control is ever-present. When pushed to the brink, he might risk using his wolf form, but only with extreme caution and a lingering doubt about whether he can rein it in.

Reason for Adventure

After spending his early life hiding his true nature and living in constant fear of what he might become, Cailean reaches a point where the isolation and anxiety become unbearable. He’s spent years controlling his emotions, distancing himself from people, and suppressing his wolf form, but this has come at the cost of his happiness and personal growth. As a result, Cailean feels trapped in his current life—stuck in a routine of cautious survival rather than truly living.

What drives Cailean to seek adventure is his growing realisation that he needs to understand himself, both as a human and as a werewolf. He can no longer deny the part of him that is wild and powerful, nor can he continue living in fear of hurting others without truly knowing what he is capable of. His journey, then, becomes one of self-acceptance and discovery—a search for control, not through suppression, but through understanding.



🏳️‍🌈 British poet and programmer.

I have a special interest in lycanthropy!🐺

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