A list of projects I'd like to start, and perhaps even finish


I've been kinda sitting on a bunch of these ideas for ages, and told myself that once I've moved, I'm gonna actually do them, instead of just sitting around listlessly being anxious about the horrible state of the world and everything in it, and now I'm about 2 weeks from actually moving I should at least write down what I'm wanting to do so that I'm able to plan out what I want.

  • First and perhaps most expensively, I'd like to build a decent server PC with a ton of storage, so I've got somewhere to store all my TV and movies, because I can't afford to pay 8 different streaming services $20+ a month when each of them has maybe one show I watch regularly, so I'm happily continuing the early 2000's practice of torrenting (I am genuinely surprised by how many people I know who don't know how to torrent, or what torrents are). It'll also be running Home Assistant, because I want to kinda fuck around with automating shit and don't want to rely on items that are bricked when a tech company inevitably goes under. I'll also need it to configure it so that it serves as my own personal cloud storage for photos/docs/etc because I'm tired of relying on Google for that sort of thing, because they're bad, and they do bad things. I'd also like to be able to run virtual machines on it for various, i don't know, experiments, so it can't just be one of the really old shitty motherboards I have lying around and repurposed, though I'll probably use one of the spare tower cases I have. Then of course I need a motherboard, RAM, 15-20TB of storage, a damn RAID controller, and a ton of RGB LEDs to make it both prettier, and faster.
  • Raspberry Pi Allsky camera. Since I'm moving to a place with much less light pollution than where I'm currently at, and space is cool, I think it'd be cool to chuck an allsky camera on the roof. I'm fairly certain the only thing I need for this is a rPi camera, maybe an NVME hat for it so it has a decent amount of storage before it sends nightly videos to the server, and an acrylic dome. Otherwise probably one of the cheaper projects on my list, because I already have a raspberry pi.
  • Then, I don't even really know why, maybe just to put something on my CV, I intend to actually finish a couple of Blender tutorials on youtube I can never seem to sit through, and get a better grasp on how the software works. Again, no practical use except learning to use it, but it could be helpful.
  • I also need, at some point to build an enclosure for my 3d printer, just so I can print ABS without worrying about prints screwing up because of an errant puff of air.
  • After that I would really like to build a small desktop CNC Machine, which again shouldn't be hard, it's just extruded aluminium, some stepper motors, and wiring right?

Anyway that's all I have right now, but I want to take a big chunk out of all of these by the end of 2025, assuming the world doesn't end prior. Also, I'm a poor-ass beneficiary so putting a timeframe on this will almost inevitably lead to failure since I'll likely not be able to afford everything I want, and I'm moving to a place without jobs, just because I have to lmao.



TIME Magazine person of the year, 2006, he/him, Aotearoa New Zealand.

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