To succeed these days, at least from what I’ve observed, here’s what seems to matter most:
You need to learn how to lie about almost everything.
The truth doesn’t matter. What does matter is saying the right thing to the right people to get them to do what you want.
You cater to billionaires and take from everyone else.
You praise dictators while belittling anyone who dares to disagree with your methods or point out that you’re wrong.
You must have, or at least pretend to have, confidence. Owning the room is more important than owning the truth.
You smile, shake hands, and say what others want to hear, even if you don’t believe the words coming out of your mouth.
You surround yourself with people who ask, “How high?” when you tell them to jump.
You limit your vocabulary to 20-30 words and avoid forming full and complete sentences.
You never stop talking about yourself and constantly badmouth others.
You call people names, mock the handicapped and heroes, and always think you’re the smartest person in the room.
You exploit the uneducated and uninformed.
Paying your bills becomes the exception, not the norm.
You distort the facts and do or say whatever it takes to stir up confusion and create conflict.
You learn to speak out of both sides of your mouth and practice the art of denial to the very end, regardless of the truth or facts.
You need to become a convicted felon, declare bankruptcy six times, be impeached twice and cheat on all three of your wives.
The leadership qualities I was taught at a young age apparently don’t matter anymore.
I think we’re all in trouble.
Mitch Jackson, Esq. |